August 24, 2005

Kevin @ Åbo, Helsinki 23.8.2005

Yesterday it was time for Art Goes Kapakka, which brought Kevin to my secondary livingroom i.e. Åbo at Uudenmaankatu.

I didn't quite catch the first part of their set, but the latter part provided everyone with entertaining pop. I guess they called it post-something. Have I ever told you that I hate genre labels?

Quite apart from the actual gig, I've been thinking about music in general. Quite a number of people (mostly girls) have been raving about Kevin for quite a while now, but none of them have ever mentioned Kevin's music. They've been talking about this and that and especially how sweet a guy Finn Andersson is and how amazingly hot he is. I've got absolutely no objections on the subject, but after hearing people's opinions on the subject, I've started to have serious doubts whether most people have any real interest in music at all.

Maybe that's being a bit cynical, but hey, that's my privilege. :)

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